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Mental Fitness Is Crucial As We Return To Work

Mental Fitness Is Crucial As We Return To Work

As the business world gingerly opens its doors after an unprecedented period of lockdown that has now surpassed the 100-day mark, many of us are preparing to return to work with no real idea what to expect. Human beings are wired to seek comfort in the familiar....
Nick Court Podcast

Nick Court Podcast

In this Episode With the UK workforce gradually returning to work post-lockdown, Richard Lenton chats to HR expert and founder of the PX Hub, Nick Court, about the challenges that employers and employees face in a world that has changed significantly in just a few...
It’s NOT Business As Usual

It’s NOT Business As Usual

Why we need mental health protection as we return to Work Before lockdown began, we already knew that mental health related issues are the most common cause of long-term sickness absence in UK workplaces. Stress-related absence in particular was also on the rise...